Heavy Lifting, Hard Work And Shift Work May Negatively Impact Women’s Fertility

Modernization has changed our body’s perception towards time and rhythm. It is subtle to accept the change but we should be learning to minimize the risks as well. Women today are very much independent and open with the type of work they perform be it a strenuous one or a regular one. There is a better diversity available now as compared to the former times that makes it easier for them to showcase their talent and make a living for them.

However, according to recent studies conducted, it has been said that women who perform activities like heavy lifting, work in night hours or irregular shifts and those that are bundled with a lot of work might experience a decrease in their fertility. There are a number of factors postulated to explain such findings like working hours, progesterone levels, diet, amount of sleep, activity ratio during the day and exposure to smoking. However, the major role is played by shifting due to the changing biological cycle and physical exertion.

According to a research conducted by the Massachusetts General Hospital found out that women who had the involvement of heavy objects as a part of their job had 8.8 percent fewer eggs and 14.1 percent fewer mature eggs than those who performed no such lifting. For women who did not work for daytime hours were also reported to have less number of eggs. The case worsened particularly, for women who were overweight, obese or at least 37 years and older.

The Major Reason For Decreased Fertility Is Reduced Egg Count

The research implemented the effect of physical demand on the four biomarkers linked with the body to reproduce called as fecundity. These biomarkers represented the number of immature eggs by the numbers of antral follicles, the levels of follicle stimulating hormone and estrogen and the number of mature eggs that could develop into healthy embryos.
The reduction in fertility mainly results from the disrupted circadian rhythm of the body that affects the normal hormonal production and menstrual cycling inhibiting the reproductive system making periods less regular or even absent mainly where women have variations in day and night working hours. When it comes to heavy lifting it is asserted that continuous lifting of weights causes’ repetitive stress affecting a women’s ability to produce good quality eggs.

Would Changing The Lifestyle Make Any Difference On A Woman’s Fertility?

When women engage in a lot of physical work, they start producing higher levels of testosterone that disturbs the reproductive cycle. The big question here arises if women change their lifestyle, would that revert the damage done to one’s fertility? However, the theory is still being studied; it is generally advised to adapt to healthy living.
For women who have been trying to get pregnant for a long time should understand the negative impacts on non-day shift and heavy lifting and try to modify their practices, occupational exposure and diet in order to improve their reproductive health.

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