Benefits Of Laparoscopy Towards Treating Infertility

Laparoscopic surgery or Laparoscopy is minimally invasive and is also known by the name Hole Surgery. Only small incisions are made for performing the surgical operation in the pelvis or abdomen region. Laparoscopy offers many advantages including decrease hemorrhaging, lesser pain and faster recovery among others. A leading and Best infertility Clinic in Bangalore would be using laparoscopy procedure in a number of instances.

The procedure

Laparoscopy involves the usage of the instrument by the name laparoscopy. The tube is inserted through the incisions for diagnosing the internal abdominal organs. The thin and long tube also has a camera and a light. The walls of the abdominal cavity are temporarily inflated through the insertion of carbon dioxide so that there is a greater difference between the internal organs and the walls. The diagnosis is done in real time and no open surgery is involved. Biopsy samples can also be obtained during the diagnosis sessions.
Laparoscopy also has advantages towards treating infertility. The doctor can diagnose the Fallopian tubes, uterus, and ovaries that are found in the pelvis through the medical procedure. The procedure is preferred today because there is a lesser threat involved while the doctor can easily find out all the abnormalities that would be interfering with the ability of a woman to conceive. Problems including uterine fibroid, ovarian cyst, pelvic adhesion and endometriosis among others can easily be diagnosed by using the laparoscopic diagnosis aids.

Infertility treatment-related benefits of Laparoscopy

Laparoscopy is carried out under general anesthesia so that the female does not undergo any pain and is completely asleep throughout the process. There are many other benefits of the medical procedure as well.

 Finding out the minute abnormality

 Laparoscopy can be used to diagnose the minute abnormalities as well. For instance, while ultrasound can be used for diagnosing the severe endometriosis conditions, the small conditions stay hidden. These conditions can be fully and completely diagnosed by the use of a camera that is an aid in the laparoscopic surgery and procedure.
The CT scans and X rays cannot deduce the pelvic adhesion or scar tissues. These can also be diagnosed through the reliable procedure. The adhesion's do not allow the female eggs to reach to the Fallopian tube and hence laparoscopy facilitates fertility in a very secure way.

Fast recovery

The installations made during the laparoscopic surgery are very small and may vary from one to three in number. The length of the installation does not increase beyond a centimeter. On the other hand, the incisions made during traditional surgery may have a length of several centimeters. Hence those undergoing laparoscopy are discharged from the hospital on the same day, while those who undergo surgery may require longer stays.

Removal of tumors

 Uterine lymphomas are common tumors that are found in the reproductive tract of females. The presence of these tumors leads to premature delivery and fetal wastage. Laparoscopy and laparoscopic surgery are used for removing these tumors and fibroid in their initial development stages itself.

Laparoscopic surgery in Bangalore is quite common, and involves minimum blood loss, is not severely painful, and is a very safe procedure where the patient does not has to make a long stay at the hospital. It is useful towards treating a number of conditions causing infertility and is a preferred infertility treatment option at many of the leading clinics in India and abroad today.


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