Ovulation Calculator- The Right Tool to Calculate Your Fertile Window


The right timing of sex is important for those who are going to conceive a baby. Sometimes, couples are not able to know about the right time for intercourse. That is why; women have to remember the date of the menstrual cycle every month. Ovulation plays an important role while getting pregnant. Usually, ovulation is a part of the menstrual cycle. It is a kind of process that helps to release mature eggs from the ovaries. 

Commonly, women have to experience periods for 5 to 6 days a month. Also, it is an important aspect for every woman to conceive a pregnancy. Without ovulation, a woman can’t get pregnant. However, several human beings don’t know about ovulation. They don’t know how to calculate ovulation?

If you also want to know about your “fertile window”, it is advised to use an ovulation calculator. During a fertile window, it may possible to have sex every day. Most individuals use an ovulation calculator to get genuine and beneficial outcomes. But, you also have to monitor the dates of your previous menstrual cycle. 

How to Monitor Your Ovulation at Home?

Several women hesitate while discussing the menstrual cycle and ovulation. However, women should go through the prescriptions of doctors in case of any health issues. You may also search for the best gynaecologist hospital in Bangalore. But, some women don’t like to see a gynaecologist. For those women, there are some ways to monitor ovulation at home. During these tests, you don’t need to go outside. Here are 3 important ways to track ovulation at home:

  • BBT (Basal Body Temperature) charting: - In this step, women should have to measure temperature through a basal thermometer. During the menstrual cycle, this test has to be performed every morning by women. You can also record the changes in the test every day. Hence, if the temperature is above the baseline for 3 days, it is a sign of ovulation. In other words, you are ovulating after getting this type of outcome. 

  • OPK (Ovulation Predictor Kits): - You can get these kits at your nearby drug store. Generally, these kits are beneficial and accurate for detecting ovulation. Through these kits, you can monitor the availability of LH in the urine. In this step, if the outcome line is dark, it shows the symptom of ovulation. Or you can also identify the ovulation if the result line is darker than the control.

  • Fertility detectors/monitors: - Commonly, these detectors are also available over-the-counter (OTC). However, these alternatives are costly. Apart from other methods, you may have to spend lots of money on fertility monitors. By using these methods, you can detect two hormones (LH and estrogen). Usually, these hormones are essential to detect the 6 days of the fertile window.

Some Important Facts to Remember

While trying to conceive a baby, it is important to know about your menstrual cycle. But, you should pay attention to the pregnancy calendar. Without a menstrual cycle, it is not possible to detect ovulation. Within the menstrual cycles, one can detect ovulation. Indeed, an ovulation calculator helps individuals in several ways. Here are some essential facts that you should remember:

  • Usually, the cycle length is the duration between the first day of one period and the first day of the next period. 

  • However, the cycle length of every woman may be different. The duration of 28 days is known as an average. Sometimes, the length of the cycle can be 23 to 35 days in several women’s bodies. 

  • During heavy/irregular menstrual cycles, it is tough to determine ovulation. At this time, it becomes difficult to calculate your ovulation due to heavy bleeding.

  • Also, women can monitor ovulation during the short period. Make sure not to forget the date of ovulation. If there is heavy bleeding, you may have to wait for some days. When there is light bleeding, you can perform the test to check ovulation.

  • Through ovulation urine tests, you can also avail a few ideas about your fertile window. Otherwise, you can get additional advice from your gynaecologist.


Ovulation is an important process for every woman. Without ovulation, it is not possible to enjoy parenthood. Hence, it is important to have proper knowledge about ovulation and menstrual cycles. This will help you to go on the right path!


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