How to do the correct exercises during the IVF treatment?

Two of the important success predictors for IVF treatments are the BMI and obesity.  The body mass index should be only in the range of 20 – 27.  If this is exceeded along with obesity there are more possibilities of a failed IVF treatment.  This could cause a huge financial burden for another IVF and not say about the mental and physical difficulties of the parents.  Exercises are important to reduce both the obesity and BMI, but overdoing could be counter- productive with failed IVF. 

Risk of over-exercise during IVF treatment:

    One of the few fertility centers like Mannat hospital alone in India offers IVF treatment and exercise guidelines.  The professional trainers along with other complementary activities are also teaching exercises.  But this a difficult task because it depends on patient to patient.  Any over exercise could give the counter effective result of failed IVF, Hence to know more about IVF treatment and exercise guidelines, there are certain facts to know before exercising for IVF treatment. IVF Centre in Bangalore

Best exercise plan for IVF treatment:

Exercise regularly while planning for IVF treatment to have high success rates of IVF with proper body weight and correct BMI. Since this takes some time to identify the right IVF center, managing the financial support, and other formalities this is the right time for getting yourself ready with the optimum body weight and body mass.  This is very important because once you are in the process of IVF  Clinic in Bangalore you have to follow the very strict rules and restrictions for reducing your weight and BMI for a successful IVF.

Exercises for IVF treatment:

·       Any new rigorous exercises should be avoided.
·       Whatever the exercises already being done could be continued.
·       Exercises should not be done for more than 4 hours for a week.
·       Exercise within your own terms and comfort and never overdo it.
·       Avoid cardiovascular exercises.
·       Rather than doing high impact exercises,   concentrate on low impact exercises.  Remember the child is more important than exercises.
·       During certain stages of IVF treatment avoid exercising completely.

Last words:

     So it is always better to be ready for IVF with the correct BMI and body weight by doing exercises before the IVF treatment. And during  IVF  process  Mannat Hospital is the best-suited place for guiding you for doing proper exercises.  Women’s Fertility


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